lördag 28 juni 2008

About the Societies

Karolinska förbundet (The Carolinian Society)
The Carolinian Society (founded in 1910) is working for research and knowledge diffusion concerning this vital and versatile period of Swedish history, that has been evaluated in many different ways by the posterity. The Society counts approximately 1000 members and gives non-profit support to several research projects.

The website is giving a short introduction the Carolinian era to visitors, as well as the Society and it’s events and meetings.

Svensk Presshistorisk Förening (Society for The History of The Swedish Press)
The Society supports and stimulates press and media history research in Sweden through presenting a scholarship, arranging seminars, lectures and other events concerning the history of the press and media. The Society stimulates international contacts and also works for the preservation of press and media archives. The Society’s secretary is the archivist at the Swedish Press Archives, at The National Archives in Stockholm.

The website is primarily exposing the Society, the scholarship and also the yearbook, that contains articles about the history of the press and media.

Kungl. samfundet för utgivande av handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia (The Royal Society for The Publishing of Handwritten Manuscripts Concerning The History of Scandinavia)
The Society has its origin in 1815 and got its bylaws enacted in 1821 by king Karl XIV Johan. The Society was in 1830 and the following yearsin several years almost the only publisher of historical source material. In 1896, the Society's bylaws were revised, and two yearly meetings were assigned.

Since then the Society has been publishing one manuscript yearly. The Society has 160 Swedish and 39 foreign members. The members have all been chosen according to their academic qualifications representing historical disciplines as well as archives and libraries.

The website primarily promotes the latest publications.

Personhistoriska samfundet (The Swedish Society for Personal History)
The Swedish Society for Personal History (Personhistoriska samfundet) is a scientific association wishing to promote the study of biographical research in Sweden. To this end it has been publishing, since 1879, a journal called Personhistorisk tidskrift. This journal reflects the Swedish society of different centuries through the fate of individuals or groups. The journal is issued twice annually.

The website gives an introduction to personal history, the Society and also the journal. Out of the four websites this has the most content.

After this introduction of the four societies I will next give an analysis of their present websites.

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